187_ARIES Sternen-News 03/2018
20th March to 20th April 2018 - 12 A4-pages / PDF
#NeverAgain - #Esreicht (German for Enough!)
- Explosive charges without end and not breathing space
- Total transformation of the masks of the ego
- Looking at the whole or at the parts?
- Don’t think the thought you do not want to think
- Mars activates Saturn/Lilith/Pluto in Capricorn from 17 March to 16 May 2018
- 24 March 2018: March for Our Lives – a new youth movement
- Stand up and say NO!
- The tone is getting harsher. The tone is getting clearer.
- Transformation is a question of perspective
- The death of Steven Hawking
- Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto retrograde
- Focus on the essential, let go of wrong ideas and limit yourself to the necessary
- Home trainers in class rooms
- Yoga in townships
- Chiron in the Cosmic Gap
- Rebirth – your soul is immortal (movie title)
- Astrological details for week 12 to 16, from 20 March to 25 April 2018
- Preview of week 17
Astrological charts for:
Stephen Hawking (Capricorn), Eddie Redmayne (Capricorn), German politician Sigmar Gabriel (Virgo), German Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas (Virgo)
Chf 5.12 per issue english / subscription for 12 issues
Chf 6.20 per issue english / subscription for 6 issues
Chf 6.80 single issue, without subscription
All prices are inclusive of VAT.
© 2018 Silke Schäfer
Image © Sun Sentinel/TNS/ABACA/ Picture Alliance
187_ARIES Sternen-News 03/2018
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